Full-Body Empower

Optimize your whole body with a 24-hour remote holistic session that connects you with the Universe. This session reduces the bioactivity of 120 different stress-related viruses, parasites, fungi, worms, bacteria, mold, helminths, and other microorganisms. It empowers more than 600 organs and enhances over 360 different DNA fragments, RNA fragments, and chromosome pairs. Additionally, it inverts genetic predispositions and performs quantum physiotherapy treatments.

NLS Body Analysis Report

Coefficient of Spectral Similarity (CCS) Results
49 Report

Full-Body Empower

NLS Report + 24-Hours Treatment
99 Session

Quantum Flow

4x Full-Body Empower
368 Session

Core Components of NLS Holographic Projection Technologies for Self-Healing Include:

Research Scanning

Bioreceptor Status: Assessing the current condition of the organ

Microbe Depower

Treatment acts in a quantum field by sending remote scalar waves directly to bugs attached to the DNA/RNA. With Group 24, we use the resonant frequencies of all the most important stress-related bugs that are threatening human existence. Some diverse species of viruses, fungi, and bacteria were merged into groups with the same main resonant frequency to depower.

Microbe Depower

All Stress-Related Microbes Depower

Free ISHA Cure already very well reduces bioactivity and kills all stress related bugs, so they release fewer neurotoxins, Microbe Depower additionally helps by reducing stress on the body. 

It lowers body Bio communication errors, and it lowers thinning rate of nerve ending insulation layer, which can result in less brain fog, less aggression/depression and less pain.

As we discover in the Free ISHA Cure, microbes inside cancer cells are partially blocking the ATP energy. We target the microbes inside cancer cells, thus reverting them into normal cells. Inspired by Dr. Royal Rife’s equipment, which kills the microbes inside the cancer cells, known as the “High Rife Frequency Device”, we use a similar Bug Frequency List to depower all stress related microbes.

Microbes with Coefficient of Spectral similarity (CSS):

• lower than 1.000 – DO
• higher than 1.000 – DON’T

cause stress to the body and mind.

Coefficient of Spectral Similarity (CSS) results:

 by staying committed with applying protocol, you can lift most microbes above critical CSS level 0.425
 with using a service Microbe Depower you help to lift these CSS levels to preferable regions above 1.000

Microbe Bioreceptor status number understanding

You don’t want stress-related microbes in your body to have energy; aim for the opposite status numbers as for organs:

5, 6 = microbe depowered = normal low microbe bioactivity (do NOT produce stress to the body and mind)

1, 2, 3, 4 = microbe Bioreceptor empowered = abnormal = high microbe bioactivity (produce stress to the body and mind)

You can read more about Bioreceptor Status Number here.

Note: Microbe Depower does not kill bugs and does not necessarily lift CSS values alone, it only helps to reduce bioactivity of microbes (bugs) and speed up the process of bug elimination. If you want to kill bugs, please check instructions in 
Free ISHA Cure, Page 4, Additional Tips.

When you have a well-functioning Bio communication system and are rewarded with a good immune system, the body recognizes the source frequencies and all subgroups of frequencies, a.k.a. “strains” from the bugs.

With all techniques combined (Free ISHA CureMicrobe DepowerMulti Rife Power ZapperIonic Detox Machine) you get total control over bugs in your body, and your life changes significantly.

DNA Empower

We know that mitochondria's are the factories for our energy and that RNA is creating new instructions for new cells and new DNA. The goal must be not to create bad, inferior DNA with none or active programs for all diseases, but to create new, good DNA without all the failures.

Genetic Predisposition

Invert imprinting of genetic predispositions

It comes with great power when combined with Free ISHA Cure Base Components before DNA Empower session. The body starts to heal itself from within, creating new DNA without all mistakes and errors.

Organ Correction

It has achieved excellent results in the following areas:

  1. Chronic – degenerative illnesses of all kinds, autoimmune diseases, ancillary solutions for tumors
  2. Weak immune system, chronic infections
  3. Acute and chronic pain and inflammation
  4. Fatigue, exhaustion, sleep disorders, depressions, migraine, psychosomatic illnesses
  5. Allergies, chemical sensitivity, electro sensitivity, eczema, neurodermatitis, environmental medicine
  6. Hormonal disturbances, menopausal difficulties, PMS
  7. Old age illnesses
  8. Pediatrics: growth problems, behavioral difficulties
  9. Spinal symptoms: back pains, pains in joints, tensions, arthritis
  10. Injuries, bone fractures
  11. Sports medicine, preparation for competition
All Organ & DNA Empower

All Organs & DNA Fragment Empowerment:

Remedy Vegeto Test with Chosen Organic Preparation and Reprinter

Pathology Invert Imprints

Pathologies Invert Imprints

Aura Surgery

Developed with the cooperation of ISHA and the famous Aura healer (45+ years) Gerhard Klügl from Liechtenstein, Professors from Graz (Austria) and Munich University (Germany), and help of 100’s of true masters in healing from all modalities for over 35 years with knowledge from over 10,000 years.

Aura Commandments

Aura Commandments

Have achieved excelent results in healing:

  1. the body 
  2. the soul
  3. the organs
  4. the system
  5. place

    To invert/remove:

  6. black magic of all kinds
  7. curses of all kinds
  8. eternal oaths and vows of all kinds
  9. death by hanging in a past life
  10. death by being drowned in a past life
  11. enslavement  / slave yoke in a past life
  12. death by medical experiments in a past life
  13. execution by decapitation in a past life
  14. execution in a past life
  15. execution by Garotte in a past life
  16. execution by Guiottine in a past life
  17. execution by gas in a past life
  18. execution by stoning in a past life
  19. execution by crucification in a past life
  20. execution by electric chair in past life
  21. failed/unsuccessful flight in a past life
  22. death by snake bite / spider bite in a past life
  23. castration in a past life
  24. sepsis after a castration in a past life
  25. sepsis after a circumcision in a past life
  26. concussion of the brain
  27. guilt of all kinds / guilt conditioning 
  28. self-sabotage programs of all kinds
  29. Roman-Catholic
  30. Lutheran church
  31. death on the wheel in a past life
  32. death by tearing into (four) parts in a past life
  33. death by burning at the stake in a past life

Note: For Aura Commandments, the system will use Any area of concern” form and settings in your Technical understanding, make sure to fill them outThere is always done 1 most suitable Quantum Physio treatment per Aura Surgery session.

To best lighten the Aura, help your body with the Free ISHA Cure Protocols.

What's included?

Research Scan

NLS Body Analysis Report






Bugs (Microorganisms & Helminths)

Genetic Predisposition

Genetic Predispositions



Research Scanning

Critical Meridians

Quantun Phtsio Treatments

Physio Scan

Specific Organ Elaton

Requested Organ Details

Stress-Related Microbes Depower

All Organ & DNA Empower

600+ Organs & 300+ DNA Empower

Genetic Predisposition

Genetic Predispositions Inverts

Bioreceptor Status

Pathology Invert Imprints

Pathologies Invert Imprints

Organic Preparations

Quantun Phtsio Treatments

Physio Front/Back

Aura Commandments

Aura Commandments

Comments, Recommendation, & Guidance

Recommendations & Guidance

Quantum Meta Health

Empower Your Wellness Journey - Help Centre

Full-body scans and treatments

NLS Body Analysis Report

Coefficient of Spectral Similarity (CCS) Results
49 Report

Full-Body Empower

NLS Report + 24-Hours Treatment
99 Session

Quantum Flow

4x Full-Body Empower
368 Session

Light-scan DNA, RNA, and photos to analyze your stress parameters from the quantum field and send remote scalar waves to balance the body.

Sign up or log in to launch your complete body scan.